Helium3: Fast & Secure Browser

When you are working with content that is based on file URLs rather than website URLs, the He3 document window will allow you to save the document if it is possible to do so. All file activities in He3 are saved to the user’s default application preferences, which are global for all documents while also capturing particular settings for each document, such as the window frame size, position, and title, among other things. See the playlists below for further information.

He3 maintains two pieces of information: the history of the user and the playlists of the user.

A contextual menu item, Playlists, is accessible from any He3 window and provides access to any recorded information saved within the user’s application’s default He3 store.

He3 preserves a URL history for each individual menu, as well as the capacity to house numerous user-related windows as tabs within each menu. Using the Playlist sheet – either on a per-window basis or across many windows – you may organize your work by dragging-and-dropping items.

He3 will automatically save the current state of all open windows for you. There is also a history list and a cookie jar stash, both of which can be cleared or disabled as needed depending on your preferences. Otherwise, all storage is internal and cannot be transferred to or from.hpl (playlist) or.hpi (playitem) files unless explicitly chosen.

It is possible to sort history catalogs in order for your viewing, export and import, requeuence, and flatten to aggregate duplicates while also keeping track of the total number of entries. Any and all of these can be managed or disabled at any point in time.

It’s your information; do with it what you wish!

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Helium3 browser provides a one-of-a-kind browsing experience. With TRUE security and privacy as its key characteristics. And as a result, it has incredible performance.

Using adblock, we were able to completely eliminate all advertisements from the browser. Helium3 also included is the ability to automatically block all other tracking scripts and cookies. It is similar to having the adblock browser extension turned on all the time. Without the need to switch or turn it on.

No matter what you are doing with it, it is a browser that everyone should have. Everyone will benefit from using it.

“Helium3” was the previous name for He3, which enables many windows as documents,., Each with its own settings in addition to global preferences such as playlists and history. And the ability to influence windows via the Finder status bar, dock icon, and contextual menus.

Meanwhile, you may watch media, browse the web, and perform a variety of other tasks. While being productive with He3. While switching between tasks. Your content will never lag behind the other windows.

In addition, He3 provides a number of settings for each window, including:

Titles are automatically hidden, the transparency mode and size and position are all changeable. And the font size and position are all customisable.

If your computer isn’t active or translucent, this feature allows you to see both your content. And your work at the same time, as well as restore it, without interfering with mouse clicks. Clicking, dragging, and scrolling behind your floating material are all options available to you.


Other Features


Windows will continue to enhance your multitasking, float above your work. And keep critical things in sight, but it is now a multiple window program. Document based, but there are no “documents” to manage, as opposed to previous versions. All of the settings are automatic, internal, and confidential.

All He3 windows are non-activating panels, which means they are not designed to interfere with your work. This is especially important if you want to make changes to the transparency of a window. Keep holding down SHIFT while moving your mouse over a window to make it active. Alternatively, you can use the Finder status icon (if it is accessible). To affect the app’s main window (if it is not already active). Finally, when you want to move a window, you can utilize its title bar or the CMND key (percent). To drag the window’s content by holding down the key. Alternatively, if the window is translucent, you will need to activate it first using the shift into mouse over approach.

Settings are saved and restored per document, and then they are recalled when the document is opened. It is also possible to modify preferences for individual windows. By using the Preferences menu item under the Windows menu and the Finder He3 status menu. For the currently open window. The Windows menu will additionally display the name of the currently active window.

Because cooperation is essential, exporting your environment as playlists and individual playitems. Referred to as a “document” – allows you to share your environment with others. It is possible to drag and drop these across windows. Export them to the system, and receive them from other people in the system.


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