Blinkist Archives - Download App Best Discover and download the best apps and hottest trends Thu, 10 Feb 2022 14:34:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blinkist Archives - Download App Best 32 32 Blinkist: Key Ideas in 15 Min Sun, 23 Jan 2022 12:02:08 +0000 This is why Blinkist is so concerned with saving you time. It's in the air, you can feel it. The design is purposefully kept simple, and this is done on purpose as well. Everything is short and to the point, which I appreciate. In my perspective, the fact that they don't give you many options is a positive thing.

In fact, they've removed a number of features from previous editions, which I believe serves a good purpose in the grand scheme of things overall. Book learning is a multi-faceted endeavor, and Blinkist encourages you to focus on only a single aspect of it: reading and listening to the books.

The consequence is that this website does not have any cluttered sidebars, no glitzy buttons, and no advertisements... Medium's user interface has a similar aesthetic to that of Facebook. Because it is specifically focused on this purpose, you will get the finest reading and listening experience imaginable. There's nothing more or less to say at this point.

Additionally, it suggests that navigating the application is easy; you are unlikely to make a mistake or find yourself in a situation that you don't want to be in while utilizing it. Pages load in a matter of seconds, whether you're using the phone app or the web app, and thanks to offline reading and audio downloads, you don't even need to be connected to the internet all of the time to enjoy the content.

The post Blinkist: Key Ideas in 15 Min appeared first on Download App Best.

Blinkist is a service that provides nonfiction book summaries. There are hundreds of book abstracts, also known as blinks. In the Blinkist collection, and new titles are being added on a consistent basis.

In each blink, there is a self-contained micro narrative. That may be read (or listened to) in approximately 15 minutes.

Blinkist has a premium price tag to match its impressive features. The trial period is seven days long. After which you will be charged $99 for the annual subscription. Unless you cancel your account. Certainly, $99 is insignificant as compared to the cost of purchasing 3000 books. But it is also not free, unlike the library. And it still offers a significantly less selection.

Following registration, you will have immediate access to the whole catalog of titles. And you will be able to select whether to read or listen to the “blinks.” Each book is often divided into 10–13 pages (blinks). Each of which is intended to elegantly and concisely explain. The most important themes of the book.

The interface is quite straightforward and lets you to search for titles by title. Also by author, or category, save titles that sound intriguing to your library, and receive recommendations. On what to read next depending on the titles you select. You can also download titles to read or listen to later. While you are not connected to the internet.


What Are the Other Features of Blinklist?

Apps for Android and iOS are available; the layout is organized. Into four sections that can be accessed via the bottom tabs. Discover, Library, Activity, and Profile. The app is accessible in both English and Spanish. The Library, which contains a list of the blinks you’ve stored into your personal collection. It is the most handy of these features.

There are filters that allow you to show or hide the blinks based on their state. (Not started, in progress, done). With the reading progress of each item simply indicated. By a softly colored backdrop bar on the item.

In order to minimize distractions, the reading interface is kept to a minimum. The only buttons shown are “back,””audio,””text size,” and “text size,”. And even these can be hidden by just tapping the main text. Using your finger to swipe right or left will flip the page. As well as a green progress bar at the bottom of the screen will indicate where you are in the blink.


What are the main features of the app?

Reading book summaries. When you tap on a book in your library, you’ll be presented. With a quick synopsis of the book. As well as the choice to either read it or listen to it in audio format. The first time you tap on “Read,” you’ll be directed to the first “blink” of the summary. Which is what Blinkist refers to as the first page of their summaries. It explains what you can expect to gain from studying the summary.

Listening to audio book summaries. When you click on the “Listen” button in the book overview. You will be taken to the audio player page. Each of the blinks from that book will now be played one after the other. Until you have finished reading the entire synopsis.

You can also enable autoplay at the bottom of the screen. Which will cause all of the books in your library to be played in a continuous loop for you. You may also adjust the order of the books in your queue. By swiping left on the screen. Using “Offline mode,” the app will only play audio files. That have been previously downloaded to your device.

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