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Grammarly: Is buying premium worth it?

With the world increasingly reliant on the internet and computers, having a reliable method of ensuring your grammar is nearly correct every time is critical. Grammarly is the tool for you!

Certainly, nobody wants a troll to use their grammar as a weapon on the internet.

Everyone makes mistakes in their work, including expert writers. Even when you’ve mastered the fundamentals, searching for higher-level grammar and stylistic nuances can be exhausting. Grammarly, known as a writing aid, can assist in these situations. This writing program provides real-time suggestions for spelling, punctuation, and style modifications and can even edit for specific genres.

Grammarly may be the answer for you whether you’re a blogger, aspiring novelist, or simply want an app to take care of the technical parts of writing across various platforms.

But, before delf deeper about Grammarly, let’s first define this software.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is a grammar checker, proofreader, spell checker, and plagiarism checker all in one. Most people will benefit from using it as a grammar checker, but there are numerous more functions that can help you improve your writing. It is used on a regular basis by the writers at our own content marketing agency.

In addition, the desktop program and browser extensions provide novel ways to use the Grammarly software in all aspects of your writing.

Grammarly will assist you if you are a blogger, content writer, student, or novelist. It will help you comprehend many of those perplexing grammar rules. The simple program will detect spelling flaws, grammar errors, punctuation errors, plagiarism difficulties, and more.

The software provides extensive explanations of your grammar faults, so you gradually become a better writer while using it.

With both a free and paid version, it’s a no-brainer to use the app for free and then maybe subscribe to the Grammarly Premium edition once you realize the additional benefits.

The company is headquartered in San Francisco. Grammarly, which debuted in 2009, is accessible as a suite of desktop and web tools, as well as software plugins.

What Does Grammarly Do?

Grammarly scans a piece of writing and, using artificial intelligence, identifies writing flaws, blunders, and other difficulties. It comprises the following tools:


Punctuation and Grammar

It detects all forms of grammatical and punctuation mistakes. It also provides real-time suggestions and guidance for correcting these errors, such as erroneous commas, misplaced apostrophes, and other frequent punctuation errors.

Check Your Spelling

Grammarly comes with a powerful spell-checking function. Using the commercial version, you can additionally develop a bespoke dictionary and a specific style guide.


The app searches for awkward sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. It establishes the optimal age range for a writing sample. It indicates readability concerns based on the following criteria:


Grammarly provides the number of characters. Also, the time for reading and speaking the texts. Grammarly then uses AI technology to suggest rewrites that are more concise and obvious to the reader.

Style of Writing

Grammarly Setting Tone

Grammarly suggests wording and rewrites based on the intended audience and tone of a piece, as specified by the writer.

Writing Assistant features a writing assistant powered by AI. Essentially, this helper reads a piece of work and makes suggestions and corrections that you can accept or reject with a click.

Report Editing

Grammarly provides a report that you can download and send to another writer or editor. It gives them metrics and information that they may utilize to better their writing.

Check for Plagiarism

Grammarly identifies plagiarism by comparing a piece of work to billions of web pages. It assigns a plagiarism score to articles and gives links for editors to review.

The Pros and Cons

The Pros of Grammarly:

  • It can help you enhance your writing skills.
  • Grammar and readability suggestions that are accurate
  • Adapts to your writing style (academic, casual, creative, etc.)
  • Adjustable levels of formality: formal, neutral, and informal
  • It is possible to utilize it as a browser extension or to import text into their browser-based service.
  • It is compatible with Microsoft Word, Outlook, and Google Docs.
  • Grammar and spell check in real time
  • Apps for iOS and Android are available.
  • It is ideal for all types of writers, not just authors.
  • The premium version includes a plagiarism checker.
  • Simple to use and comprehend
  • Affordable

The Cons of Grammarly:

  • The website editor only enables documents up to 4 MB in size and 100,000 characters in length.
  • The interaction with Google Docs is still in testing.
  • The free version simply checks for spelling and grammar mistakes, not style and context.
  • Grammarly’s website resizes awkwardly in split-screen mode, and there is no scrolling.
  • Its marketing might be highly aggressive in order to get you to purchase the premium edition. It is in no way capable of replacing a human editor

Final Thoughts

Grammarly’s premium edition is far superior to the free version. It ensures that your material is free of grammatical errors and that you learn numerous grammar rules for a better writing style. The premium edition includes additional functions such as spelling faults, punctuation errors, and overall English writing style control.

Grammarly is without a doubt the best professional writing helper for improving writing quality. When compared to the free version, the premium edition provides more advanced writing suggestions.

When considering using a grammar checking tool, it can be difficult to decide whether to purchase a premium product. It appears to be a tool reserved for professional writers, authors, or content makers.

However, owing to the great free Grammarly tool, most people who write blog entries, emails, proposals, essays, reports, and even social media postings should give it a shot.

Should Grammarly be used by everyone?

The quick answer is yes. It is waging a valiant battle against grammatical errors and poor writing. The Grammarly browser plugin assists you in writing your everyday emails and social media postings, making you a better writer.

How might professional writers benefit from using the app? For anyone who writes for a living, the advantages of Grammarly Premium are obvious.

Furthermore, the plagiarism tool alone is a lifesaver for students, lowering the possibility of accidentally copying someone else’s work.

While you’re currently using Grammarly Premium for proofreading, the style and clarity options will improve the flow and depth of your essays. Just keep in mind that academic writing enables the use of passive voice, so tailor the app goals to the task at hand.

It’s easy to dismiss grammar errors as unimportant in your regular work. Strong written abilities, on the other hand, demonstrate confidence and intelligence and aid in persuasion.

Even with the free version, you will see results within a few weeks after installing the app. If you decide to upgrade to Grammarly Premium, you will receive access to some of the greatest grammar checking tools on the market today.

Over the last ten years, the Grammarly tool has been constantly improving and boosting the user experience. Grammarly’s extension and the desktop app now offer a variety of options to improve your writing and increase your writing skills.

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