Speekoo – Learn a new language

When you learn with Speekoo, it is more like going on a cultural experience than using a language learning software. During each class, you will be introduced to some of the most popular tourist attractions, peculiar elements, and amusing anecdotes from various locations around the world that speak the language you are learning. Your adventure progresses incrementally with each correct answer as you “walk” a kilometre further along the path and gradually unlock movies and articles. Unfortunately, all of these options are only available in English (or French if you are learning from French).

Speekoo’s free classes build on one another, and you can simply incorporate new vocabulary into your regular life by following the instructions. Although you will effectively learn what the app instructs you on, the quantity of the information will only provide you with the rudimentary knowledge of each language you study using the app.

Once you have completed all of the levels, you will be unable to engage in even the most basic of conversations. You will not learn how to read Japanese or Chinese using this program, as it does not introduce new scripts. Instead, you will write the sounds using the English alphabet, which is a more natural way to learn.

Despite its simplicity, Speekoo is a pleasant and free solution for the highly casual learner who wishes to dip their toes into the world of foreign languages for the first time. Hopefully, the game developers will continue to develop the levels.


Speekoo is a revolutionary new language-learning program. That stimulates you to learn a new language. It is available for iOS and Android devices. Speekoo set out to produce a product that was ten times faster, ten times more intuitive. And ten times more motivating than anything else. On the market at the time of its conception. Furthermore, it is completely free to use, and Speekoo. Intends to increase its language support in the near future, as well. Each language includes more than twenty levels. Apiece of which contains twelve lessons each.

And you’ll be doing it while having a nice time and learning interesting facts and tales. About the nations you’ll be visiting soon. Learn a language and then set off to explore the rest of the globe. Each level represents a city, and each lesson represents a checkpoint on the journey. Additionally, each language includes a minimum of five courses. Which attests to the effectiveness of the methodology.

Speekoo is a brand-new language-learning app that pushes you to learn a completely new language. We attempted to make it 10 times faster, 10 times more intuitive. And 10 times more inspiring than anything else now available. Furthermore, it is entirely free.

For the time being, six languages are available: French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, and Japanese. However, if you find it useful, we intend to add other languages.

Each language includes more than 20 levels, with each level consisting of 12 lessons each. To make the learning process more enjoyable, each level symbolizes a city. And each lesson represents a specific point in your virtual journey.


Highlights of Speekoo

The most enjoyable approach to accomplish this is to have a nice time. While reading interesting articles and anecdotes about the countries. You will soon have the opportunity to visit in your spare time.

Learn a language, and you’ll be able to travel the world with greater ease than you otherwise would. Each level is a city, and each lesson represents a checkpoint. Throughout your journey through the city.

The method’s efficacy is further demonstrated. By the fact that no fewer than five courses are offered in each language. Indicating the method’s adaptability and flexibility.

Currently, six languages are available: French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, and Japanese. Other languages may be added in the future. It is possible that additional languages will be added in the future. Additionally, it is possible that new languages will be introduced in the near future.

It is structured into more than twenty levels for each language. With each level comprising a total of twelve courses for each language in the program.

In addition, we are always uploading new films to our social media channels. In order to keep things interesting and engaging for our audience members.


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