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Grindr Xtra adds more perks. For starters, you can see six times as many guys in your region and interact with them. Xtra also allows you to look for guys all over the world and connect with them instead of only talking to those nearby.

So, if you’re planning a trip, Grindr lets you to connect with folks all over the world.

An annual subscription to Xtra costs £53.99, with a free seven-day trial accessible at any time.

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What is Grindr?

Grindr is currently the world’s most popular dating app for gay, bisexual, queer, and trans men of all ages. According to their physical position, which identifies by their mobile phone’s location-tracking capabilities, the program connects them with one another. In addition to being fully free, premium users can eliminate the annoying third-party adverts that display on the Grindr app. The corporation has a poor track record when it comes to privacy. Having attacks in the past for data breaches and exchanging user data with advertising companies without their consent. To name a few examples of its privacy practices. Grindr has been operating under new management since June 2020. And we’re keeping an eye out to see if they make any changes to better the privacy and security of their users’ data and communications.

Grindr is a dating app that allows guys to meet other men and has a fairly basic premise. If you’ve never used the app before, here’s everything you need to know about getting started with it.

To suggest that Grindr is only for dating is an oversimplification, especially nine years after the app’s launch. In fact, Grindr’s own CEO claims to have met his wife using the dating app, indicating that the program’s user base is becoming increasingly diversified.

Grindr is a geo-located hook-up app that allows men to meet other guys depending on their proximity to each other.

Upon registering, you can upload one photo and a brief bio about yourself – though this is often reserve for information about your sexual preferences rather than information about your hobbies or interests – to your profile.

In the app’s user interface, you’ll find men listed in order of proximity – you have the option to turn off your location, but most men choose to leave it turned on.


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