
The best study job!
I started using this app in 2018. It has never let me down. My science teacher required 15 minutes on Quizlet per day, and I never failed a test. This app has helped me in many ways.

The first is that it is a very user-friendly app. With only a few buttons, this app is easy to use. Their guide also has a help button to help you if you get stuck. This app requires no technical expertise to use.

The second way is that you can study without a subscription. For example, adding pictures, scanning documents, and saving for offline use require it. But there are simple ways around it.

As you can see, this app is essential for all students. I never studied before Quizlet because who does? Wrong. I love studying now that I know about Quizlet. So, if you are a parent reading this and your child is failing because they refuse to study, create a set or create one yourself and have them practice for fifteen minutes every day (except weekends).

Great app! A few suggestions…
This app is amazing for studying and I highly recommend it to anyone with vocab classes, study guides, or tests. (iPad, iPhone, Mac, etc.) I’ve noticed that you can only move terms up/down on computers. I’d like to do this on all devices, especially when traveling. Changing terms requires manual intervention… I suggest the programmers add a drop down page where you can move it immediately rather than having to move it manually. Quizlet alerts you when you have two of the same term. That way, you’d know if you had two of the same terms, definitions, or information. I mistook the alert for duplicate terms for multiples of the same thing. Like I said before, I love this app and recommend it to anyone looking to study productively.

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How does Quizlet work?

Quizlet is a digital pop quiz database. It has over 300 million study sets, each one like a deck of cards. It’s also interactive, allowing you to create your own study set or edit others.

Verified Creators also create and share study sets. These are from reputable curriculum publishers and educational institutions, so you know they are good.

Quizlet is subject-based, making it easy to find a study target. Many of these use flashcard-style layouts with prompts and questions that students can flip over to find answers.


But there are many ways to learn more from the same data. For a more active learning approach, you could select “learn” instead of “flashcards” and only receive questions with multiple choice answers.


Quizlet is a fantastic tool for teachers to create quizzes for in-person and remote learning. It’s smart enough to adapt to the student’s needs.

It has everything from visual study materials to fill-in-the-blank games and more. Aside from the style, Quizlet claims that 90% of students who use it report better grades. That is a bold claim.


Which Quizlet features are the best?

Quizlet has excellent modes for delivering information across a wide range of subjects.

Quizlet’s smart adaptive nature is a great feature. The Learn mode generates adaptive study plans based on millions of anonymous sessions.

It is a great resource for ESL and dyslexic students. A word or definition you select will be read aloud. Assemble your own audio recording (teacher accounts only). Visual learning aids can also be added to cards with specific images or custom diagrams.

It has a huge library of licensed Flickr photography that can be used. This allows for more focused learning. Or teachers may find something suitable in the shared online quiz collection.

Quizlet Live is fantastic because students are given codes and then grouped randomly for a game. Each question has multiple possible answers on the teammates’ screens, but only one is correct. Students must collaborate to choose the correct one. Finally, a snapshot allows teachers to assess student understanding.

How much is Quizlet?

Signing up and using Quizlet is free. For teachers, it’s $34 per year for extra features like uploading your own images and recording your own voice – both useful tools for creating your own study sets from scratch.

Formative assessments and homework help teachers track student progress. Teachers can also customize Quizlet Live, organize classes, and remove ads.


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