
Tandem is a language exchange app for iOS and Android that connects language learners with native speakers. Members can search for language exchange partners and chat via text or voice chat. As of July 2020, the app supports 300 languages, including 20 sign languages, 20 indigenous languages, ​​and 6 virtual languages ​​such as Mandalorian or Klingon.

  • Also, it is an app-based community where strangers around the world chat with each other, but never for dating purposes-feeling a bit annoying when scrolling through a series of age-tagged photo profiles to make decisions.
  • Moreover, how to meet anyone and start chatting on the Nada, even if you do. The point of the platform is to connect and gather strangers so they can practice the language they want to learn.
  • In addition, users are encouraged to add a few words to their profile about their interests, the language or aspect of the language they want to learn, and what they want to talk about (or who they want to talk to). Also,  you also need to upload a selfie photo.
  • And that’s it-it’s basically a messaging app that encourages you to connect with other language learners to practice through the digital spectrum of chat. Of course, today’s language learners have no choice when it comes to apps and services that make learning a foreign language easier.
  • However, Berlin’s tandem believes that it has found a relatively uncultivated niche by focusing on building a platform that enables free peer-to-peer practice. The app supports text messaging, audio, and video chat.


What is a Tandem?

Tandem language learning, a way of learning a language through linguistic interchange, was the inspiration for the app and its name. Also, each participant in language exchange is a native speaker of the language the other wishes to acquire. To guarantee that both parties can learn their target language, the talk is split evenly between the two languages. In addition, Tandem Fundazioa, the organization which creates the tandem language learning system, is supporting the Tandem app.

What is a language exchange?

  • Tandem Language Learning is the process of joining forces with native speakers of the language you want to learn. By communicating with a partner known as a language exchange, you can improve your language skills and develop cross-cultural skills.
  • Also, the primary value of the app is to unite people who know no boundaries through language learning. Language has the tremendous power of unity, inclusion, and equality. Moreover, language and cultural exchange is the key to global understanding in an increasingly interconnected world.
  • How to learn languages ​​at the same time: Select the language you want to learn in the app.
  • Tell us about your language learning goals and your ideal companion.
  • Find native speakers of the target language in the community
  • Start a language exchange by sending the first message.
  •  Keep chatting with your new tandem pen pal and speak like a native in seconds!
  • Unlimited Translations Search Nearby Members Search Members by City Serial Cards Profile Visitor Information Profile Checks and Badges
  •  No Ads

How to become a member?

First, you must fill out an application before allowing into the community. Each application is personally examine as part of Tandem’s moderation policy.

Second, tandem provides its users with a list of potential Tandem partners who are native speakers of the language they desire to study once they have been accepted. Members can then use instant messaging, voice messages, audio calls, and video calls to communicate with their Tandem partners.

Lastly, you need to put your location, age, and gender filters that can be used to narrow down the list of potential companions.


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