Dolphin Mobile Browser

It can be tough to find a trustworthy web browser. Without external add-ons like AdBlocker, some are almost unusable. Others feature a clumsy user interface that makes mobile web browsing a headache. On a relaxing Saturday afternoon, many consumers are simply seeking a browser that can stream Netflix or live Facebook videos.

Look no farther than the Dolphin browser for Android and iOS if this seems like something you’ve been seeking in your web browsing experiences. Dolphin is a free web program that includes a fast content loading speed, an HTML5 video player, AdBlock, an easy-to-use tab bar, sidebars, incognito browsing, and a Flash player, making it one of the most popular and critically acclaimed browsers now available on Google Play. While this isn’t unique to Dolphin — if you insist on using Google Chrome, you’ll find all of these features there as well — few other browsers perform these functions as well as Dolphin.In addition, Dolphin allows for a tremendous amount of personalization. If you wish to dress up your browser, for example, you can import photographs from your camera roll to appear in the background while using the Dolphin browser.

Dolphin’s clever gesture technology, on the other hand, sets it apart from other web browsers. Dolphin’s intelligent gesture enables you to set organic bookmarks and shortcuts to your most frequented sites, and it’s designed as a more elegant version of iOS’s “shortcut” functionality. If you want to get on, for example, you can set the gesture to a heart. Simply draw a heart with your finger or a stylus the next time you want to visit that site, and it will be loaded. It’s that simple.

Dolphin also has its own version of Cortana from Microsoft and Siri from Apple, dubbed “Sonar.” Sonar works when you shake your phone, allowing your spoken inquiries to do the searching for you, whether you’re looking for a chicken alfredo recipe or the latest BBC headlines.

Finally, while the software has had its flaws, the Dolphin developers have been great in assuaging user concerns and making updates with fixes accessible on a regular basis. Dolphin isn’t the “ideal” web browser, but it’s probably as near as you can get.


Dolphin Browser is a web browser created by MoboTap for the Android and iOS operating systems. It was one of the first alternative browsers on the Android platform to add multi-touch gesture capability. Dolphin Browser employs the default browser engine for its native platform. Resulting in a reduced file size. On Android, it can also run Adobe Flash.

Dolphin is a mobile web browser for Android and iOS developed by MoboTap. It’s the first device of its kind to support multiple touch motions. On Android, the browser supports Adobe Flash. The browser has seen a lot of success on Android in a short period of time. Adobe compatibility, fast-loading content speed, theming, ad-blocks, incognito mode, and gesture controls are just a few of the features. That are available in the Dolphin Browser.

Dolphin Browser is an Android web browser with a lot of functionality that was created with mobile consumers in mind. On Android, the browser’s popularity has skyrocketed. It includes a lot of features that you might want. Let’s have a look at some of the features that set the Dolphin browser apart from the competition.



Tabbed browsing – with numerous tabs at the top of the screen or a thumbnail button at the bottom. Users can open and switch between web pages.

Dolphin Sonar allows users to search, share, and navigate with their voice. If you say “eBay Nike Shoes,” Dolphin will go to the eBay website. Search for, and display all Nike shoes that are also currently available on eBay.

Users can also draw characters to call websites using gesture browsing. Dolphin also comes preconfigured with gestures for a variety of famous websites. Like T for Twitter and F for Facebook, and users may even build their own unique gestures.

Sync — also using the Firefox and Chrome extensions, across mobile and desktop browsers.

Webzine — presents web information in a magazine-style manner, pulling content. From over 300 sources across a wide range of themes and caching it for offline use.



Both the iOS and Android versions are available for free and are ad-free. Dolphin Browser, an improved version for Android 2.0 or later, is available. Dolphin Browser Beta was released in May 2012, and it was hailed as the fastest HTML5 browser at the time. With a score of over 450 on HTML5test. Jetpack, the company’s new HTML5 engine, is used. Dolphin Zero, a version oriented towards user privacy, was released in December 2013. Dolphin Zero aims to give the user the ability to hide browsed sites from the eyes of other persons. with access to the device by wiping all traces such as downloaded files. Also in caches, cookies, and history after each session.


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